Transform yourself with our foam latex prosthetics for special effects makeup.

These are some of the horse-related custom masks we've made.
This blond horse is our Large Horse Muzzle combined with our Neutral Brow. It is painted in light yellow fading to a very light pink on the muzzle tip. It has a white star forehead star.
This brown horse is our Large Horse Muzzle combined with our Neutral Brow. It is painted in medium brown fading to very dark brown and black on the muzzle tip. It has a white diamond forehead star.
This tan horse is our Large Horse Muzzle combined with our Neutral Brow. It is painted in medium tan with brown shading. It has a white stripe down its forehead and muzzle.
These black horses both use our Large Horse Muzzle combined with our Neutral Brow. The ears were one-off pieces made before we sculpted our Small Horse Prop Ears. These were painted in metallic black.
3 products