Transform yourself with our foam latex prosthetics for special effects makeup.

These are some of the donkey-related custom masks we've made.
This grey and white donkey is our Horse / Donkey Nose combined with our Neutral Brow and Donkey Ear Tips. It was painted in light grey and white like a natural donkey. Having an open chin gives this mask a greater range of expression.
This grey and white donkey is our Large Horse Muzzle combined with our Neutral Brow and Donkey Prop Ears. It was painted in light grey and white like a natural donkey. The mane was made with wig hair glued and arranged to stand up.
This brown donkey is our Horse / Donkey Nose combined with our Neutral Brow and Donkey Ear Tips. It was painted in darker brown with some medium tan in the ears. Having an open chin gives this mask a greater range of expression.
This brown donkey is our Large Horse / Donkey Muzzle combined with our Neutral Brow and Donkey Prop Ears. It was painted in medium brown with a fade to a darker brown and black for the end of the muzzle & some light tan in the ears with black tips. The mane was made with faux fur.
This black donkey is our Horse / Donkey Nose combined with our Horse Ear Tips. It was painted completely black. Having an open chin gives this mask a greater range of expression.
This black donkey is our Large Horse / Donkey Muzzle combined with our Feline Brow, Donkey Prop Ears and Spiked Mane. It was painted with a metallic black for most of it, with red for the mane.
7 products